出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:This article reviews Fernando de Vera y Mendoza’s biography and literary production. From the seventeenth century the authorship of a treatise on poetic theory titled Panegírico por la poesía which appeared in Montilla (Córdoba) the same year as Luis de Gongora’s death, was attributed to this writer. The difficult relations that he had with his father, a powerful figure in the political life of Spain at that moment in history, have been used as a starting point to justify the anonymity of a text marked from its origin by the ambiguity in its attribution.
关键词:Panegírico por la poesía;Fernando de Vera y Mendoza;Count of the Roca;anonymity;poetic theory;Panegírico por la poesía;Fernando de Vera y Mendoza;conde de la Roca;anonimia;Montilla;teoría poética