出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:Progressively new identifications of inland occupations are being defined in the Upper Palaeolithic of the Iberian Peninsula. We introduce the first four identifications of the Gravettian in the Western Pyrenees: stratigraphies, industries and radiocarbon and TL dates. We interpret the different models of occupation and use they represent: one site is integrated in the usual French-Cantabrian ecumene (Alkerdi), two sites are immediately dependant of the exploitation of flint outcrops (the workshop of Mugarduia and the distribution centre of Coscobilo) and the last one is a seasonal hunting site in a Pyrenean environment (Zatoya).
关键词:Gravettian;Western Pyrenees;Navarre;Stratigraphy;Industry;Radiocarbon and TL dates;Occupation models;Gravetiense;Pirineo Occidental;Navarra;Estratigrafía;Industria;Dataciones;Modelos de ocupación