出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:In this paper we will explore the relationship between commensality and the funerary ritual of the Argaric culture. Evidences of feasting can be related to two main archaeological domains; firstly, the production of special ritual pottery vessels with a high degree of standardization linked to the presentation and consumption of food and drink. In these vessels the visual and display properties have been clearly emphasised, which probably means their performance in social practises based on display and dramatization. Secondly, the appearance of faunal remains, as part of the funerary ritual, implies the slaughter of cattle and ovicaprids mainly in young ages, the ideal moment to be consumed. The eating of these species would be part of ritual feasting, with the exception of the legs of these animals that were introduced in the burial as grave goods. The clearly differential social access to these commensal practices would involve not only the construction of a strong sense of community but principally the naturalization of unequal social relationship.
关键词:Bronze Age;Argar Culture;Southeast of Iberia;Commensality;Feast;Funerary ritual;Edad del Bronce;Cultura de El Argar;Sudeste de la Península Ibérica;Comensalidad;Ritual funerario