标题:Los datos antracológicos de la Balma del Gai (Bages, Barcelona): una aportación al conocimiento de la vegetación y la explotación de los recursos forestales durante el Tardiglaciar en el NE peninsular
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:Balma del Gai has a stratigraphic sequence with archaeological materials from ca. 12000-8.500 BP. The charcoal record is abundant in the sediments and has yielded important data on the vegetation and the exploitation strategies of forest resources. The aim of this work is to establish the different problematic in this period in relation to vegetal transformations and changes in late hunter-gatherers subsistence strategies. Conifers dominate the charcoal assemblage, but climatic changes permit the development of other taxa that characterize the vegetal formation on the surroundings of Balma del Gai. Furthermore charcoal record is also affected by the changing in the exploitation strategies of forest resources, as fuel or human diet.