出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:Evidence for prehistoric stone axe production is extremely scarce in the Iberian Peninsula in comparison to other parts of western Europe. This paper addresses this issue through the study of the manufacture and distribution of hornfels tools in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. The combination of petrographic and geomorphological analyses, as well as the examination of archaeological materials, which so far have deserved little attention, allows the identification of procurement areas and blank production strategies. The next step has been to approach the social value of the products by means of their association with other materials participating in the Neolithic distribution-networks. The observed geographical and social asymmetries lead to addressing the issue of power structures in Neolithic societies.
关键词:Prehistoric stone axes;Neolithic;Copper Age;Geo-archaeology;Iberia;Exchange;Power;Hachas de piedra prehistóricas;Neolítico;Calcolítico;Geoarqueología;Península Ibérica;Intercambio;Poder