摘要:Cardiovascular diseases are the most important cause of death in both sexes in the Western world. Accordingly, the climacterium, is a women life phase in which the cardiovascular risk is much higher leading to an elevated morbi-mortality observed in this population. This fact may be justified, at least in part, by the current evidences that estrogen has a cardio protector function, and this hormone has been associated to the control of some risk factors such as obesity, hypertension and dislipidemia. However, many studies have indicated that the exercise training can be an important non-pharmacological approach in the reduction and/or attenuation of cardiovascular risk
其他摘要:Cardiovascular diseases are the most important cause of death in both sexes in the Western world. Accordingly, the climacterium, is a women life phase in which the cardiovascular risk is much higher leading to an elevated morbi-mortality observed in this population. This fact may be justified, at least in part, by the current evidences that estrogen has a cardio protector function, and this hormone has been associated to the control of some risk factors such as obesity, hypertension and dislipidemia. However, many studies have indicated that the exercise training can be an important non-pharmacological approach in the reduction and/or attenuation of cardiovascular risk
关键词:Mulher. Menopausa. Fator de risco. Doença cardiovascular. Treinamento físico.