期刊名称:Bolema: Mathematics Education Bulletin = Bolema: Boletim de Educação Matemática
出版社:UNESP - Campus de Rio Claro - Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas
摘要:This study was based on the data obtained from “Values in Mathematics Teaching in Turkey and Germany [VMTG]” project which lasted two years. The VMTG project compares German and Turkish mathematics teachers’ and their students’ values. The purpose of the study is to investigate Turkish and German mathematics teachers’ views on why math is valuable, and explore the mathematical values behind their views. The study was undertaken with 9 Turkish and 13 German mathematics teachers. Even though several data collection instruments (i.e. observation sheets, Likert type (multiple choice) questionnaire, and questionnaire consisting of open-ended questions) were used in the project, only the data gathered from semi-structured interviews were the basis for the analysis of the study. Collected data were subjected to constant comparative method. Results revealed that two different major categories emerged: (1) isolated thinking and (2) connected thinking. Discussion, recommendation and further educational implications were provided at the end based on the data. Keywords: Values. Mathematics Values. Turkish Mathematics Teachers. German Mathematics Teachers. Comparison.