摘要:The article presents the research results of mathematical models of bending concrete elements reinforced with prestressed fiberglass reinforcement. The investigations are built on the basic positions of the nonlinear deformation model, taking into account the nonlinear work of concrete. The samples were calculated with consideration for the deformation diagrams of materials obtained experimentally using the Lira CAD 2014 software package. The article also covers the current practice of using fiberglass to reinforce concrete bearing structures without prestressing, as well as the current normative documents regulating the use of fiberglass reinforcement in the Russian Federation, regulatory and state standards containing information on the strength and deformation properties of fiberglass reinforcement, and the results of physical tests of fiberglass reinforcement for tension. Based on the results of the study, we performed the analysis of fiberglass reinforcement use with and without prestressing. The studies presented in the article show that the use of pre-stressed fiberglass reinforcement makes it possible to increase the rigidity and fracture toughness of bending concrete elements.