摘要:This is a comparison study of coping style with stress among Coronary hearth patients and patients with peptic ulcer and normal adult. For comparison study of coping style with stress in coronary hearth patients and peptic ulcer patients in comparison with normal adults, fifty coronary heart patients, fifty peptic ulcer patients and fifty normal adults, who were same from sexuality and educational rate point of view, were selected from TABRIZ city and they were compared with each other, in research purposes to distinguish whether are the coping style with stress in coronary heart patients and peptic ulcer patients different from normal adults whether this is differences different with due attention to peoples sexuality and educational rate or not? For comparison study, after selection or patients and normal adults, requested them to completed BILINGS and MOOS coping style with stress questioners and then the accumulated data were analyzed with SPSS software. The results showed that the coping style with stress in coronary heart patients and patients with peptic ulcer are different from normal adult (P <0/01). But this difference is nonsense in interactional effect studding of sexuality and educational rate with group (normal-coronary heart patients) and (normal-peptic ulcer patients). (P >0/01).
关键词:coping style with stress;coronary heart patients