摘要:Abstract Sex education is one of the essential parts of the duties of trainer, educational psychologists and education and curriculum planners and paying little attention to sex education may cause great damages to the structure of the society. The conducted studies showed that Iranian men and women, 92 and 62 percent respectively, have masturbated during their life and no sexual activity is as controversial but common as masturbation. This study attempts to investigate the most important and the commonest sexual threat, masturbation, to teenagers and the youth, especially among the university students and to provide some information about physical, mental, spiritual, moral and ethical damages of masturbating. Furthermore, in this study, some psychological and educational innovations are provided through which through which the teenagers can reduce and control their sexual desires. According to the results of the study which was conducted through a descriptive method, sex education as a comprehensive, scientific and supplementary program which is provided by sex therapists can be as an appropriate and practical solution to decrease negative effects and mental, sexual and social damages of masturbation. This kind of education should be conducted in such a way that the trainee is inclined and directed towards healthy sexual behaviours and actions. We hope that the models and ideas presented in this article can be helpful for the teenagers, parents and education and curriculum planners in creating a constant sexual health in the academic environment and society.