摘要:Abstract In this study, Student's coping with Stress at High School Level Particularly at 11th and 12th Grade was examined. The objectives of present study were : A) to study the academic anxiety among the students. B) To analyze stress among the students. C) To understand the coping strategies adopted by the students. For this purpose, a sample of 100, 11th and 12th class students from government secondary schools located in Tehran was selected. For the purpose of gathering information from respondents on personal data, coping strategies, stress and academic anxiety, the Stress and coping strategy questionnaire which was consists of a series of questions about stress and coping strategies was administered to a total of 90 (90%) students. The finding of the research showed that: the percentage of distressed secondary students was 26.1%. The top ten rank of stressor among students were afraid of not getting place in tertiary education, examinations, too much content to be learnt, difficulty in understanding subject that have been learnt, too much homework, and school timetable was too packed. All of the stressors were related to the academic matters. While the rest of the top ten stressors were rated as causing moderate to high stress. The findings of the study indicated that 11th and 12th grade students coped with difficult situations in a mature manner, yet they tended to withdraw from the problems they faced in life.
关键词:Stress;Coping with stress;Coping strategy;High school;Stressors