期刊名称:Nómadas. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas
出版社:Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense
摘要:The present test tries to delineate some central aspects on the work of J. Ranciére crossing by the singular axes of its postulates and entering finally in a reality where the exits are not seen with clarity; particularitity of which we chose the way of filosofia of the education. But asi same we tried to enter the impasse to make a analisis I synchronize and multidimensional of the factors that take part in the process of enseza and learning, but especificamente in the process of educational interrelation and student. It is tried to the present remarcar in test the antropologico character of the work of Ranciére but simultaneously one looks for to cause in the readers “sacudón” with respect to the present educative reality and the concept of enseza and explanation is put in judgment fabric.