摘要:Abstract Learner autonomy has gained momentum within the context of language learning in the last two decades. In order to qualify as an autonomous learner, one should independently choose his/her aims and purposes and sets goals; decides on the learning materials, methods and tasks; and purpose in organizing and carrying out the chosen tasks; and chooses the criteria for evaluation. Does that sound utopic? Definitely yes for some, maybe less so for others. After a little reflection, most of the teachers will recognize that they do a great deal of reading and thinking to prepare their lectures, plan effective activities and select appropriate texts for their students, while the students do relatively little. In most cases, the teachers are the most active learners in their classrooms. The reshaping of the traditional spoon-fed students in our culture into learners who take charge of their own learning and the conversion of teachers shifting their responsibility to learners is not an easy process. How ready are our students and teachers for this change? Is resistance inevitable? Even if we manage to change the teachers and the learners, will it be possible to foster learning for both parties in their new roles? This presentation may not be able to answer all these questions, but the researcher will shed light on these important questions by discussing possible interpretations of autonomy, student autonomy and teacher autonomy.
关键词:Second language acquisition;autonomy;learner autonomy;teacher autonomy