摘要:Abstract Introduction. Learning a foreign language is an essential part of all levels of the education system in the modern society. Nevertheless a common language course may not be appropriate for a person with severe visual impairment. During the course of the English language for adults with visual impairment it was possible to ask the students which way of teaching was satisfactory for them and how it was possible to take advantage of new technologies such as email and the internet. Methods: This qualitative research was conducted through interviews and studying clients’ documentation. The participants were persons with severe visual impairment acquired in adult age who had previously used eyesight in all areas of life. Currently, these individuals use language learning services provided by a local specialized center for persons with visual impairment, where the study was conducted. Results: Participant of the study were not able to read the Braille, or they could read it very slowly and ineffectively. Not using any text materials during the lessons and sending homework, vocabulary and writing exercises by email was considered very successful by the students. The interviewees were completely satisfied and stated this method was the most effective. As for the online resources (for example grammar explanation etc.) sent by email, some websites were non-blind-friendly, which can reduce the motivation to study.