摘要:Abstract This paper introduces a simulation model that can be used to develop and test designs and control systems for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). The work involves a novel simulating platform, developed in Simulink, where each component of a series HEV is developed using a first-principles approach in a modular fashion, validated by available experimental data and then integrated to form a coupled nonlinear dynamic model. The vehicle model is capable to act as a platform for the design of supervisory control systems (SCSs) that optimize the energy flow in the powertrain. Simulations with two distinct SCSs and two driving cycles are used to analyze the vehicle performance under varying driving and operating conditions. The results demonstrate the applicability of the model for realistic prediction of both vehicle behavior and component energy losses, design optimization and control system design.
关键词:KeywordsModellinghybrid electric vehiclesupervisory controlenergy management