标题:Analysis on the Correlation between Scores in Nursing Practices Given by Nursing Supervisory Instructors and Clinical Instructors of the Royal Thai Navy College of Nursing
摘要:This is a descriptive research aiming at studying the scoring system of nursing supervisory instructors and clinical nursing instructors in practical application sessions and investigating the correlation between scores given by the two groups. The subjects were nursing supervisory instructors and clinical nursing instructors on wards involved in the practical application sessions of Nursing Care for Persons with Health Deviation II. The six subjects were randomly selected from three wards. The research tool was a 20-item, 5-point scale evaluation form of practical application sessions in Nursing Care for Persons with Health Deviation II. The content validity was validated by an item-objective congruence index which ranged from .67 – 1.00; data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, and inter-rater reliability was tested by an intraclass correlation coefficient. The results showed that the intraclass correlation coefficient between the 6 nursing supervisory instructors and clinical nursing instructors was at .441; there was one item with zero variance, and 6 items with a negative correlation coefficient. The intraclass correlation coefficient among the nursing supervisory instructors was higher than that among the clinical nursing instructors (ICC
关键词:Rater Agreement Index;Clinical Practice Assessment;nursing education