摘要:Teacher's test construction competency was meaningful to enhance teacher professional development. The competency can be used to control teacher-made test quality and to extract the information related student achievement that was useful to advocate teachers instructional and student skills improving. The main purpose of this research was to develop test construction competency development models based on the application of the action research concept for teacher empowerment using four empowerment techniques: coaching, mentoring, critical friends and dialogue. According to the research results, competency development models consisted of four parts. The first part was the role of competency developer in teacher empowerment using four empowerment techniques: coaching, mentoring, critical friends, and dialogue. The second one involved the teacher's competency development according to the four processes of action research: planning, action, observation and reflection of four action research cycles. The first cycle involved the learning objective analysis skill development, while the other three concerned the test construction planning skill improvement, test construction ability improvement and item selection skill development, respectively. All four cycles were empowered by the developer in the first part. The activities of these two parts had the impacts on the third part, which involved the enhancement of four factors of teacher competency. These four factors were the attitude, knowledge, higher-order thinking and skill. Meanwhile, the fourth part of the models was the development outcome including the participation, knowledge sharing network and the sustainable presence of the competency.
关键词:Test construction competency;Action Research;Empowerment