摘要:Communication competence, as a system of knowledge, skills, abilities, motivational disposition, attitudes and properties, is the essential competence of teachers. In the last twenty years teacher communication competence has been one of the most important content of teacher training programmes. However, the effects of teacher communication education have not been investigated systematically; there is not specific comparison of the effects of these programmes between student-teachers and active teachers. Teacher's and student-teacher's communication skills were investigated from 2006 to 2011. The sample consists of student- prospective teachers, prospective subject teachers, and active teachers in Serbia who participated in communication training in the last 5 years. There are differences in some socio-communication skills between the examined groups. In the process of communication education teacher communication competence is increased, its specific competencies emphasized (social sensitiveness, non-violent verbal communication, integrative style of conflict management, interaction involvement).
关键词:Teacher;student-teacher;communication competence;communication training