摘要:Pedestrian are among those who were contributed to the increase of road accidents and identified as vulnerable rod user in the country. Various aspects and factors that lead to the accident among the pedestrian and other road users are needed to be studied, so that the safety all road user should be improved. This study was conducted to identify the characteristics of user demographic in terms of age, gender, employment and others. In addition, the characteristics and the perception of pedestrians were also evaluated in order to achieve the objectives of this study. The observational study was carried out to the users on the usage of pedestrian facilities. The study was focused in the city area of Batu Pahat. The type of pedestrian facilities included pedestrian walkaways, pedestrian bridges and zebra crossings. A total of 200 sets of survey questions were distributed among respondents and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) based on the behavioral model called the multiple regression analysis. The correlation analysis shows that attitudes have a significant effect on the safety of pedestrians and other factors do not show significant results. However, the two-step regression analysis demonstrates that the intention has a strong relationship with behavior on pedestrian safety. In order to enhance the government efforts to mitigate road accidents, it is efficient to use an education as a medium which helps to change the attitude of road users in the country.