摘要:Abstract|Feasibility Study of Business EnterpriseServices Digital Printing NAZTA NOVITASARI Un-dergraduate Program, 2011 Gunadarma Universityhttp://www.gunadarma.ac.id Key Words: ABSTRACT: Advances in technology have also grown rapidly. Ev-erywhere there are service businesses that use thesetechnologies sophisticated. Companies discussed in thispaper is engaged in the business services design drawingsin accordance with customer demand in the media such asclothes, glass, and other so-called Digital Printing. Andthe purpose of this paper the feasibility of an investment inbusiness services NAZTA Digital Printing shop. There areseveral ways to determine the feasibility of digital printingservices The calculation method is the payback period,NPV, PI and IRR. Approach method - the method usedto determine the feasibility survival of the Digital Printingservices. Calculations are performed for consideration,whether the services business is feasible for Digital Printingcontinued or not. And from the calculation of paybackperiod method, NPV, IRR and PI. Attracting authorsconcluded that cultivation of investment in Digital Printingservices business is feasible to proceed with respect tothe discussed aspects of Chapter IV. And is expected alsoto the owner for more increase revenues by adding newmachines.