摘要:Dictionary Bali Indonesia in Ceremony of Mapandes aim to to documentBalinese words in the field of ceremony of mapandes.Expected later this research goodfor generation hereinafter to become information center about ceremony of mapandes aswell as expected this research can be continued by next generation to be completedagain, morely special again, this research aim to for the description of words inceremony of mapandes and of description wprds which used in ceremony of mapandes.Used method that is data collecting method.Process data collecting with techniquerecord and technique note.Data which have been collected later, then analysed withmethod analyse data that is with system of corpus, card - gathered to be card to becompiled by alfabetis, then given nymph in the form of word equivalent or clearboldness.Data which have been analysed, then presented with informal and formalmethod.Used theory that is structural theory, developed by Ferdinand de Saussure.Itsviews collected by Charles Bally and of Albert Sechehaye in book entitling publishedCours de Lingusitique Generale in 1916.This theory used because each;every wordsformed of smallest process that is morpheme, then or word of lexeme, generation word,and there also which in the form of word aliance.Theory of Leksikologi and ofleksikografi also very is supporting this research because science studying about lexiconor vocabulary leksikologi.While way of making dictionary discussed in theory ofLeksikografi.From result of research, got words form which in the form of headword,generation word ( afiksasi, reduplikasi, kompositum), and phrase.Form which at mostfound that is elementary form / headword.Amount of found entri that is counted 534entri.