摘要:Following the paper’s release, we realized there were some in-
consistencies and/or typos in Figs. 1, 2, 6 and 9 regarding some
of the regional boundaries and labels. Here we show the cor-
rected figures. In Fig. 1, we modified the boundary between An-
hur and Khepry in the middle panel and the boundary between
Sobek and Anuket in the bottom panel. The latter was incon-
sistent with the correct boundary shown in Fig. 9. In Fig. 2,
there were mistakes in the regional labels of the middle right
panel with regards to Bes, Babi, and Anhur and have now been
corrected. In Fig. 6, we modified the boundary between Anhur
and Khepry corresponding to the same correction in Fig. 1. Fi-
nally, in Fig. 9, we modified the boundary between Maftet and
Wosret to be consistent with the middle panel in Fig. 1.