摘要:Abstract—Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway (1925) , an epitome of modernist novel, is a multidimensional and multifaceted novel which explores Clarrisa Dalloways’ process of subjectivity. It is true that the novel chiefly embraces most of the salient characteristics of modernist fiction but to judge and analyze the novel only according to modernist aesthetics, ideology and philosophy, would inevitably be oblivious of other movements and philosophies like poststructuralism; therefore, eclecticism and multidisciplinarity have been escaped from previous studies notice. Being the female protagonist of Mrs Dalloway , Clarissa's mind and life must be deciphered, demystified and unraveled through shedding light from different disciplines, and that is what the present study aims at presumptuously. Since similar studies are relatively short-sighted in not expounding interdisciplinary considerations, this study attempts to demystify those less trampled territories such as philosophical, political and ethical considerations of the construction of subjectivity.