出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:In the national context of the 1970s, a period when private development began to stand out against public activity, the sector of La Rondilla, in Valladolid, started to be built. Close to the historical center of the city, La Rondilla became one of the most paradigmatic examples of a lack of facilities and services in the history of Spanish urban planning. In the years that followed its materialization, the remaining undeveloped areas, known by the name of the Ribera de Castilla, became the object of several proposals for residential development. The main aim of this paper is to study these proposals and clarify the role played by the Asociación Familiar La Rondilla within a context of clear collective scarcity: its involvement, as neighborhood watch patrol groups, in the need to satisfy the demand for equipment and services in an area of high residential density and its participation in urban planning and urban action guidelines. This is a strategic form of behavior which has re-emerged forcefully in the present period.
关键词:urban History;Valladolid;real estate business;participation;urban action;theory of Communities;urban neighborhoods;Neighborhood Plan;Historia de la ciudad;Valladolid;negocio inmobiliario;participación ciudadana;acción urbana;teoría de las comunidades;relación de vecindad; Plan de Barrio;histoire de la ville;Valladolid;affaires immobilières;participation citoyenne;action urbaine;théorie des communautés;relations de voisinage;plan de quartier