出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:This paper addresses the “brain drain” side of the contemporary migration of peoples from the Magreb region to the European Union and, more specifically to France. The measurement device is the documentation published by UNESCO and EUROSTAT on foreign college level students in EU countries. Magreb countries are well above the world average in terms of university students abroad over total university students. This fact has both positive and negative consequences for the socioeconomic development of the sending countries. The paper analyses several of them, focusing on the advantages of transnational networks. The analysis is taken from a dual point of view, European and North African as well. Discrepancies are not erased, since the authors believe that there is not overall consensus on the outcomes of the “brain drain” process that is taking place since several decades by now.
关键词:North African migration into de EU;Qualified migrants;“Brain drain”;International migration socio cultural derivatives;Migraciones norteafricanas a la UE;Emigrantes cualificados;Fuga de cerebros;Perspectivas socio culturales de la migración internacional