出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:A hot sociopolitical issue today is the extent to which religions should be publicly represented. This text discusses the «state of the question» critically focusing on the main and common argument used by all the experts: liberty of conscience understood as freedom of choice. We are not allowed to identify both kinds of freedom without erasing the necessary division between religion and politics. Nevertheless, the elimination of this division not only occurs in practice but also in the theoretical outlines of the advocates of secularism based on freedom of choice. As the whole question concerns the «monotheism of reason», the philosophical discourse should not be a simple mediator between the different parts.
关键词:Practical atheism;conversion;immanence;freedom of contract;freedom of belief;freedom of cult;mysthicism;monotheism;secular society;secularized society;theology;tradition;transcendence;Ateísmo práctico;conversión;inmanencia;libertad de contrato;libertad de credo;libertad de culto;mística;monoteísmo;sociedad laica;sociedad secularizada;teología;tradición;trascendencia