期刊名称:RELIEVE - Revista Electrónica de Investigación y Evaluación Educativa
出版社:RELIEVE - E-Journal of Educational Research, Assessment and Evaluation
摘要:In the field of Educational Evaluation, the Criterion-Referenced Evaluation is a very relevant, though incipient approach. In this paper, we present a simulation study oriented to the analysis of a reliability index: the index p o calculated by means of the Huynh’s method for criterion-referenced tests. The simulation study has been carried out with the aid of computer software developed ad hoc . The aim of this paper is to describe the influence of two variables – the distribution shape and the mean- on that index. The conclusion is that both variables consistently affect the reliability index. Furthermore, the obtained evidence brings relevant information about desirable metrical characteristics for applied use of the index in the criterion-referenced tests.
其他摘要:In the field of Educational Evaluation, the Criterion-Referenced Evaluation is a very relevant, though incipient approach. In this paper, we present a simulation study oriented to the analysis of a reliability index: the index po calculated by means of the Huynh’s method for criterion-referenced tests. The simulation study has been carried out with the aid of computer software developed ad hoc. The aim of this paper is to describe the influence of two variables – the distribution shape and the mean- on that index. The conclusion is that both variables consistently affect the reliability index. Furthermore, the obtained evidence brings relevant information about desirable metrical characteristics for applied use of the index in the criterion-referenced tests.
关键词:Evaluation; Assessment; criterion-referenced evaluation; reliability; criterion-referenced reliability; classification consistency indexes; po index; Huynh’s method; mean; shape of distribution;Evaluación; Evaluación Criterial; Fiabilidad; Fiabilidad en pruebas criteriales; índices de consistencia de la clasi-ficación; índice po; método de Huynh; media; forma de la distribución
其他关键词:Evaluation, Assessment, criterion-referenced evaluation, reliability, criterion-referenced reliability, classification consistency indexes, po index, Huynh’s method, mean, shape of distribution