摘要:Five different species of Eimeria viz. E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. necatrix, E. tenella and E. brunetti were identified. The highest percentage (50%) was found with mixed infection. Specieswise infection with E. tenella was recorded in the present study. Monthwise highest prevalence rate (50%) was observed in March and the lowest (10%) in the months of April and September. Seasonwise prevalence showed the highest prevalence rate (33%) in the summer and spring, and the least (14%) in the autumn. The agewise prevalence was the highest (48%) in the 31-45 days age group and the least (6%) in 0-15 days age group of layers. The coccidiosis was found highly prevalence in mud/mud+brick type floor than in concrete type floor farms.Key words: Coccidiosis; Eimeria; infection; layers; percentage; summer; springJournal of Natural History Museum Vol. 23, 2008 Page 45-50
关键词:Taxonomy;Coccidiosis; Eimeria; infection; layers; percentage; summer; spring