摘要:Some people frequently manifest an intense desire to purchase unnecessary items and have difficulty in controlling this shopping behaviour. After episodes of compulsive shopping, they usua/ly express fee/ings of guilt, the objects purchased are not used or are stored away and in thelong term, this behavior has negative consequences on a personal, familial, occupaclonal and financiallevel. In spite of the fact that compulsive shopping has not been included in official, diagnostic classifications (DSMIV- R or CIE-10), some authors suggest that it could be considered an impulse control disorder not classified elsewhere. On the other hand, othefS observe more similarities with substance abuse or dependence criteria, obsessive-compulsive disorders or affective disorders. The studies carried out so far report a prevalence of 1.1% fOI the disordel in the general population, and that it mainly affects women. Various reports agree on the need to deal with this disorcJer by means of psychological treatment. We present a case study in which we have successfully applied a cognitive-behavioural approach to a 59 year old woman suffering from compulsive shopping. Compulsive buying was considered a psychological addiction not Iinked to substance abuse. Therapy habitually employed in the psychological treatment of substance addictions and pathological gambling, such as stimulus control, prevention of relapses, exposure with response prevention and couple therapy have been applied and discussed. Furthermofe, we present the results of follow-up at one and three months.
其他摘要:Some people frequently manifest an intense desire to purchase unnecessary items and have difficulty in controlling this shopping behaviour. After episodes of compulsive shopping, they usua/ly express fee/ings of guilt, the objects purchased are not used or are stored away and in thelong term, this behavior has negative consequences on a personal, familial, occupaclonal and financiallevel. In spite of the fact that compulsive shopping has not been included in official, diagnostic classifications (DSMIV- R or CIE-10), some authors suggest that it could be considered an impulse control disorder not classified elsewhere. On the other hand, othefS observe more similarities with substance abuse or dependence criteria, obsessive-compulsive disorders or affective disorders. The studies carried out so far report a prevalence of 1.1% fOI the disordel in the general population, and that it mainly affects women. Various reports agree on the need to deal with this disorcJer by means of psychological treatment. We present a case study in which we have successfully applied a cognitive-behavioural approach to a 59 year old woman suffering from compulsive shopping. Compulsive buying was considered a psychological addiction not Iinked to substance abuse. Therapy habitually employed in the psychological treatment of substance addictions and pathological gambling, such as stimulus control, prevention of relapses, exposure with response prevention and couple therapy have been applied and discussed. Furthermofe, we present the results of follow-up at one and three months.