标题:Projeto Escola – Hemosc: parceria entre saúde e educação na busca da doação de sangue como ato de solidariedade e cidadania School Project – Hemosc: partnership between health and education in search of blood donation as an act of solidarity and citizenship
其他标题:Projeto Escola – Hemosc: parceria entre saúde e educação na busca da doação de sangue como ato de solidariedade e cidadania School Project – Hemosc: partnership between health and education in search of blood donation as an act of solidarity and citizenship
出版社:Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC
摘要:Este texto apresenta o Projeto Escola desenvolvido pelo Setor de Captação de Doadores do Centro de Hematologia e Hemoterapia do Estado de Santa Catarina – HEMOSC. O projeto surgiu para desmistificar preconceitos e tabus sobre a doação de sangue, sensibilizar e educar jovens para a doação, com o objetivo de “formar futuros doadores” ou multiplicadores da doação de sangue. Iniciou-se na rede estadual da Grande Florianópolis, no final de 1996, com a participação de mais de 60.000 alunos de escolas públicas e privadas, até o final de 2005. Tem como atividade central o desenvolvimento de palestras sobre a doação de sangue, além de outros desdobramentos pedagógicos. Dessa forma, acredita-se na sensibilização, conscientização e educação para a saúde, além de contribuir para a segurança e qualidade do sangue a ser transfundido. Palavras-Chave: Saúde. Educação. Doadores de Sangue. Abstract: This text presents the School Project developed by the department that is responsible for the Selection of Blood Donators at the Hematology and Hemotherapy Center of the State of Santa Catarina – HEMOSC. The project was created to demystify prejudices and taboos related to blood donation, making young people more sensitive to donation, and with the objective of ‘forming future donators’ or blood donation multipliers. The project began in the state school network of Florianopolis and its neighborhood region in the end of 1996 with the participation of more than 60.000 students from elementary and high school in private and state schools, and continued until the end of 2005. The central activity of the project is the development of lectures about blood donation and other pedagogic subjects. In this way it is possible to touch, raise consciousness, educate people to health awareness and also contribute to security and quality of blood to be transfunded. Keywords: Health; Education; Blood Donators.
其他摘要:This text presents the School Project developed by the department that is responsible for the Selection of Blood Donators at the Hematology and Hemotherapy Center of the State of Santa Catarina – HEMOSC. The project was created to demystify prejudices and taboos related to blood donation, making young people more sensitive to donation, and with the objective of ‘forming future donators’ or blood donation multipliers. The project began in the state school network of Florianopolis and its neighborhood region in the end of 1996 with the participation of more than 60.000 students from elementary and high school in private and state schools, and continued until the end of 2005. The central activity of the project is the development of lectures about blood donation and other pedagogic subjects. In this way it is possible to touch, raise consciousness, educate people to health awareness and also contribute to security and quality of blood to be transfunded.
关键词:Saúde. Educação. Doadores de Sangue. Abstract: This text presents the School Project developed by the department that is responsible for the Selection of Blood Donators at the Hematology and Hemotherapy Center of the State of Santa Catarina – HEMOSC. The project was created to demystify prejudices and taboos related to blood donation; making young people more sensitive to donation; and with the objective of ‘forming future donators’ or blood donation multipliers. The project began in the state school network of Florianopolis and its neighborhood region in the end of 1996 with the participation of more than 60.000 students from elementary and high school in private and state schools; and continued until the end of 2005. The central activity of the project is the development of lectures about blood donation and other pedagogic subjects. In this way it is possible to touch; raise consciousness; educate people to health awareness and also contribute to security and quality of blood to be transfunded. Keywords: Health; Education; Blood Donators.