摘要:Esta pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de analisar a prática pedagógica de artes visuais dos arte-educadores em turma onde estudam educandos cegos. A pesquisa, teve como sujeitos dois (2) educandos cegos e duas (2) arte-educadoras de duas escolas públicas municipais de Blumenau, SC. Para a coleta de dados, foram utilizados como instrumentos entrevistas e observações das aulas de artes. Fez-se a análise dos dados com base nos estudos de Mittler (2003), Vigotsky (1997), Beyer (2006), Ballestero-Alvarez (2003) e Puccetti (2005). A análise revelou que poucas vezes os educandos participaram das aulas de artes. Compreendemos a criança cega, como ser capaz de incluir-se e ser incluso e que a arte está além das diferenças, que a arte está presente na vida de “todas” as pessoas como forma de expressão, exercício de sensibilidade e conhecimento, retratando a cultura do povo desde as primeiras manifestações comunicativas e históricas do homem. Palavras-Chave: Educação Inclusiva; Educandos Cegos; Artes Visuais. Abstract: This research, tied, was carried through with the objective to analyze practical the pedagogical one of visual arts of the art-educators, in group where they study blind educandos. The research, had as citizens two (2) blind educandos and two (2) art-educators of two municipal public schools of Blumenau, SC. For the collection of data they had been used as instrument, interviews and comments of the lessons of arts. It became analysis of the data based in the studies, of Mittler (2003), Vigotsky (1997), Beyer (2006), Ballestero-Alvarez (2003) and Puccetti (2005). The analysis disclosed that few times the educandos had participated of the lessons of arts. We understand child blind, as to be capable to include and to be enclosed and that the art is beyond the differences, that the art is present in the life of “all” the people as form of expression, exercise of sensitivity and knowledge, portraying the culture of the people since the first comunicativas and historical manifestations of the man. Key-Words: Inclusive Education; Educandos Blind; Visual Arts.
关键词:Educação Inclusiva; Educandos Cegos; Artes Visuais. Abstract: This research; tied; was carried through with the objective to analyze practical the pedagogical one of visual arts of the art-educators; in group where they study blind educandos. The research; had as citizens two (2) blind educandos and two (2) art-educators of two municipal public schools of Blumenau; SC. For the collection of data they had been used as instrument; interviews and comments of the lessons of arts. It became analysis of the data based in the studies; of Mittler (2003); Vigotsky (1997); Beyer (2006); Ballestero-Alvarez (2003) and Puccetti (2005). The analysis disclosed that few times the educandos had participated of the lessons of arts. We understand child blind; as to be capable to include and to be enclosed and that the art is beyond the differences; that the art is present in the life of “all” the people as form of expression; exercise of sensitivity and knowledge; portraying the culture of the people since the first comunicativas and historical manifestations of the man. Key-Words: Inclusive Education; Educandos Blind; Visual Arts.