期刊名称:ELCVIA: electronic letters on computer vision and image analysis
出版社:Centre de Visió per Computador
摘要:The randomness of iris texture has allowed researchers to develop biometric systems with almost flawless accuracies. However, a common drawback of the majority of existing iris recognition systems is the constrained environment in which the user is enroled and recognized. The iris recognition systems typically require a high quality iris image captured under near infrared illumination. A desirable property of an iris recognition system is to be able to operate on colour images, whilst maintaining a high accuracy. In the present work we propose an iris recognition methodology which is designed to cope with noisy colour iris images. There are two main contributions of this paper: first, we adapt standard iris features proposed in literature for near infrared images by applying a feature selection method on features extracted from various colour channels; second, we introduce a Multiple Classifier System architecture to enhance the recognition accuracy of the biometric system. With a feature size of only 360 real valued components, the proposed iris recognition system performs with a high accuracy on UBIRISv1 dataset, in both identification and verfication scenarios.