摘要:Em História universal da infâmia, Borges narra contos enganadoramente simples, sobre protagonistas aventureiros e criminosos de várias formas, sobre crime e vilania. Misturando fato e ficção, quase sempre com reverberação mítica, deu aos contos uma impressão de autenticidade surrealista. Ao lançar mão de recursos mitopoéticos, Borges apresenta a infâmia, senão omo força universal, pelo menos como um traço constituinte da natureza humana. Com a narrativa literária, ele nos permite ver mal e sofrimento como resultado, ainda que parcial, de ações inter-humanas e arranjos sociais. Palavras-chave: Borges; infâmia; mal. Abstract: In Universal History of Infamy, Borges narrates tales that are deceptively simple about adventurers and criminals in many shapes, about crime and villainy. Mixing fact and fiction, usually with mythic reverberation, he gave the tales an atmosphere of surreal authenticity. By using mythopoeic resources, Borges presents infamy if not as a universal power at least as a constitutive trait of human nature. With the literary narrative, he enables us to see evil and suffering as resulting, even if partially, from human interaction and social arrangements. Keywords: Borges; infamy; evil.
其他摘要:In Universal History of Infamy, Borges narrates tales that are deceptively simple about adventurers and criminals in many shapes, about crime and villainy. Mixing fact and fiction, usually with mythic reverberation, he gave the tales an atmosphere of surreal authenticity. By using mythopoeic resources, Borges presents infamy if not as a universal power at least as a constitutive trait of human nature. With the literary narrative, he enables us to see evil and suffering as resulting, even if partially, from human interaction and social arrangements.