摘要:Corruption in Indonesia is spread massive across in local area.Prevention and prosecution of corruption have been made to establish legislation and a new organizational structure, but corruption still occurs.In order to create a clean government of corruption required participation in the control of local government in the form of upholding the principles of transparency and accountability.This paper examines corruption in the local area and strengthening society in controls to prevent corruption in the local area.
其他摘要:Abstract Corruption in Indonesia is spread massive across in local area. Prevention and prosecution of corruption have been made to establish legislation and a new organizational structure, but corruption still occurs. In order to create a clean government of corruption required participation in the control of local government in the form of upholding the principles of transparency and accountability. This paper examines corruption in the local area and strengthening society in controls to prevent corruption in the local area. Keyword s: Public Control, Local Government, Corruption. Abstrak Korupsi di Indonesia menyebar di daerah secara massif. Upaya pencegahan dan penindakan terhadap korupsi telah dilakukan dengan membentuk perundang-undangan dan struktur kelembagaan baru, namun korupsi masih terjadi. Dalam rangka menciptakan pemerintahan daerah yang bersih dari korupsi diperlukan partisipasi masyarakat dalam mengkontrol penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah berupa penegakan prinsip transparansi dan akuntabilitas. Tulisan ini mengkaji korupsi di daerah dan penguatan masyarakat dalam melakukan kontrol untuk mencegah korupsi di daerah. Kata Kunci : Kontrol Masyarakat, Pemerintahan Daerah, Korupsi.
关键词:Kontrol Masyarakat; Pemerintahan Daerah; Korupsi.
其他关键词:Kontrol Masyarakat; Pemerintahan Daerah; Korupsi.