摘要:Using of communal land by private enterprise has been also creating disputes in West Sumatra.The disputes are started from the unprocedure land procurement process.According to the law of land procurement in Indonesia, for getting land, a private enterprise should contact the land owners (or traditional communities) as the subject of communal land for making contract directly.As a matter of fact, they have got the land from the Local Government not from the people.The communities protested to the corporate activities on their land.Beside that, the private enterprises have got agrement with communities, but they did not follow it, for instance building plasma plantation for the communities.
其他摘要:Abstract Using of communal land by private enterprise has been also creating disputes in West Sumatra. The disputes are started from the unprocedure land procurement process. According to the law of land procurement in Indonesia, for getting land, a private enterprise should contact the land owners (or traditional communities) as the subject of communal land for making contract directly. As a matter of fact, they have got the land from the Local Government not from the people. The communities protested to the corporate activities on their land. Beside that, the private enterprises have got agrement with communities, but they did not follow it, for instance building plasma plantation for the communities.