摘要:This article is about the reproduction and renewal of traditional knowledge associated to biodiversity in maroon communities, in a context of increasing State interventions on social relations between generations. Examining the narratives of a female leader of the Camaputiua Island Maroon Community, we discuss these interventions in relation to the laws for protection of traditional knowledge associated to biodiversity as proposed by the State. In spite the apparent advances in the legislation, due to the partial incorporation of article 8j of the Biological Diversity Convention in the national legislation, the alleged protection was not effective, because the local forms of knowledge reproduction, as lived by the very own traditional peoples and communities, were ignored. In the juridical field, to assure concrete protection, it is necessary to implement the 169 International Labor Organization’s Convention. We conclude that, currently, the renewal of traditional knowledge is carried out in situations of resistance in traditional communities, in which intergenerational relations persist in daily practices. Keywords: traditional knowledge, maroon communities, generation, Amazon.↓This article is about the reproduction and renewal of traditional knowledge associated to biodiversity in maroon communities, in a context of increasing State interventions on social relations between generations. Examining the narratives of a female leader of the Camaputiua Island Maroon Community, we discuss these interventions in relation to the laws for protection of traditional knowledge associated to biodiversity as proposed by the State. In spite the apparent advances in the legislation, due to the partial incorporation of article 8j of the Biological Diversity Convention in the national legislation, the alleged protection was not effective, because the local forms of knowledge reproduction, as lived by the very own traditional peoples and communities, were ignored. In the juridical field, to assure concrete protection, it is necessary to implement the 169 International Labor Organization’s Convention. We conclude that, currently, the renewal of traditional knowledge is carried out in situations of resistance in traditional communities, in which intergenerational relations persist in daily practices. Keywords: traditional knowledge, maroon communities, generation, Amazon.↓Dans cet article nous réflexissons sur la réproduction et le reénouvellement du savoir traditionnel associé à la biodiversité, à la lumière des actuelles interventions de l’État dans les rapports sociaux entre générations dans communautés originés des esclaves noirs, les quilombos. En prennant comme point de partie le récit d’un chef du Quilombo de l’Ile de Camaputiua, nous discutons ces interventions par rapport aux lois de protection du savoir traditionnel associé à la biodiversité proposé par l’État. Nous avons verifié que malgré l’apparent progrés dans la legislation du à la regulamentations partielle de l’article 8j de la Convention de la Diversité Biologique, la supposé protection du savoir traditionnel n’a pas été effectivé parce que s’ignorent des formes de renouvellement de ce savoir et comme elles ont éte vécues par ces populations et communautés traditionnelles. Dans le champ juridique, pour cela, il faut l’application en direct de la Convention OIT 169. La conclusion est que, actuellement, le renouvellement des savoirs traditionnels e donnent, à grand peine, dans des situations de résistance des communautés traditionnelles qui persistent en leurs pratiques cotidiennes qui envolvent plusieurs generations. Mots-clés: Savoir traditionnel, communautés descendents des esclaves noirs, generation, Amazonie.↓Neste artigo, refletimos sobre a reprodução e renovação do conhecimento tradicional associado à biodiversidade, à luz das atuais intervenções do Estado nas relações sociais entre gerações em comunidades quilombolas. Tomando como ponto de partida a narrativa de uma liderança do Quilombo da Ilha de Camaputiua, discutimos essas intervenções em relação às leis de proteção ao conhecimento tradicional associado à bio¬diversidade propostas pelo Estado. Verificamos que apesar do aparente avanço na legislação devido à regulamentação parcial do Artigo 8º da Convenção da Diversidade Biológica, a alegada proteção ao conhecimento tradicional não se efetivou, pois se ignoram as formas de renovação do conhecimento, tal como vividas pelos próprios povos e comunidades tradicionais. No campo jurídico, para tanto, seria necessária a aplicação direta da Convenção OIT 169. Concluímos que, atualmente, a renovação dos conhecimentos tradicionais ocorre, a duras penas, em situações de resistência das comunidades tradicionais, que persistem em práticas cotidianas que envolvem diferentes gerações. Palavras-chave: Conhecimento tradicional, comunidades quilombolas, geração, Amazônia.