摘要:http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1980-4237.2014n15p279A tradução de textos técnicos vem ganhando espaço devido aos avanços tecnológicos e às expansões comerciais geradas pela globalização. Entretanto, o papel do tradutor que a realiza nem sempre recebe a merecida atenção. Na área acadêmica há certa carência em relação à teoria específica sobre a tradução de textos de especialidade. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para saná-la ao propor a atividade tradutória como espaço privilegiado para o contato entre línguas e culturas. Para tanto, investiga-se a tradução de aspectos culturais de manuais de instruções nos quais fica evidente a importância de se considerar os marcadores culturais nesse tipo de tradução.ABSTRACTThe translation of technical texts has been increasing due to technological advances and to the commercial expansion produced by globalization. However, the translator’s role in this activity does not always receive its deserved attention. In academia there is a scarcity of specific theories focused on the translation of technical texts. This work aims at contributing to fill this gap by proposing that translation should be viewed as privileged loci for the contact between languages and cultures. With this purpose, it investigates the translation of cultural aspects in instruction manuals in which the importance of considering cultural markers in this kind of translation becomes evident.Keywords: Technical translation; Cultural markers ; Translator; Language contact ; Cultural contact
其他摘要:The translation of technical texts has been increasing due to technological advances and to the commercial expansion produced by globalization. However, the translator’s role in this activity does not always receive its deserved attention. In academia there is a scarcity of specific theories focused on the translation of technical texts. This work aims at contributing to fill this gap by proposing that translation should be viewed as privileged loci for the contact between languages and cultures. With this purpose, it investigates the translation of cultural aspects in instruction manuals in which the importance of considering cultural markers in this kind of translation becomes evident.
关键词:Estudos da Tradução; Tradução técnica;Tradução técnica; Marcadores culturais; Tradutor; Contato entre línguas; Contato entre culturas
其他关键词:Translation Studies; Technical translation;Technical translation; Cultural markers ; Translator; Language contact ; Cultural contact