出版社:Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures
摘要:Drama has been widely acclaimed as a positive medium for mirroring the society. Drama is a representation of life. So while drama entertains, it also educates and informs. This role of drama has been employed by playwrights over the years to make constructive commentaries on the issues and happenings in society and thus suggests and recommends for positive changes in man and his environment. The Nigerian Arabic playwrights are not left out in this direction of literary activities. This paper attempts an analysis of how Nigerian Arabic playwrights are also using drama to make comments on society as well educating the society using Barihi’s Baqaun Muqadrun (Destined to survive) as a paradigm. We shall also look at the art of Arabic play writing in Nigeria in brief, synopsis of the play, play analysis and conclusion.