摘要:Mit Daten der Hamburger Längsschnittstudie „Kompetenzen und Einstellungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern“ (KESS, N = 8 589) wird mittels hierarchisch-logistischer Regressionsanalysen (HGLM) dieser Effekt auch für die Grundschulempfehlungen in Hamburg nachgewiesen. Dagegen lässt sich kein Bezugsgruppeneffekt für die von den Eltern getroffene tatsächliche Übergangsentscheidung nachweisen. Infolge der Schülermobilität am Übergang von der sechsten zur siebten Jahrgangsstufe aufgrund von spezifischen Merkmalen des Hamburger Schulsystems lässt sich jedoch wieder ein Effekt des mittleren Leistungsstandes der Grundschulklasse für die Schulformzugehörigkeit in Jahrgangsstufe 7 nachweisen. Ursachen und Implikationen für die Praxis werden diskutiert.
其他摘要:The transition from primary school to the different tracks of secondary school tracks is a crucial point in German education. At the end of primary school, teachers recommend which secondary school tracks their students should enter. These recommendations are supposed to accord with the students’ abilities. However, previous research shows that the recommendations also depend on reference group effects associated with the primary school class to which each student belongs. Students with equal competencies have less chance of being recommended for entry to a high track if they come from classes with a high average level of achievement than if they come from classes with a low average level of achievement. Hierarchical logistic regression analysis (HGLM) of data from the Hamburg longitudinal study KESS (Competencies and Attitudes of Students, N = 8 589) showed this same reference-group effect relative to teachers’ recommendations for secondary school tracks. However, the reference group effect did not hold for the parents’ actual choice of a secondary track. Nonetheless, the effect of the class-mean level of achievement in primary school on students’ allocations to secondary tracks re-emerged in Grade 7 as the school system in Hamburg accounts for a certain amount of student mobility across the secondary tracks during the Grade 6 to Grade 7 transition phase. Possible reasons, consequences, and implications for school practice are discussed.
关键词:Grundschulübergang; Bezugsgruppeneffekt; HGLM;school transition; reference group effect; HGLM
其他关键词:school transition, reference group effect, HGLM