出版社:Norsk forening for epidemiologi - The Norwegian Epidemiological Association
摘要:ABSTRACTStudy objectives: Design: Setting: Participants: Main results: Conclusion: Key words: Long term care facilities; psychotropic drugs; non-cognitive symptoms; mental impairmentDuring several years educational programs for nurses and physicians have been carriedout to improve the general care and drug treatment of the elderly, especially with regard to psychotropicdrugs. The anticipated changes in the use of psychotropic drugs have not been fulfilled.The was a significant increased use of psychotropic drugs from 1985 to 1996, 48% to61% of the residents (p = 0.002). The use of anxiolytics and antidepressants increased significantly (5%to 14%, p=0.0004 and 12% to 23%, p=0.0005, respectively), while antipsychotics and hypnoticsremained stable (24% on both occasions and 22% and 27%, respectively). The use of anxiolytics andneuroleptics was associated with anxiety, wandering and aggressive behaviour. Anxiolytics were morefrequently use by mentally unimpaired residents. A substantial number of passive and apatheticresidents were treated inappropriately with psychotropic drugs.Thirteen representative homes for the aged with a total of 339 residents in 1985 and 286residents in 1996.All regularly used psychotropic drugs and demographic information were collected from thecase notes. Mental capacity, which was assessed by means of the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale(CDR), and behaviour were registered by a trained nurse.A point prevalence survey performed on two occasions in 1985 and 1996.To compare the regular use of psychotropic drugs in 1985 and 1996 in homes for theaged in Bergen, Norway and to study the relation between age, gender, mental impairment and certainbehaviour traits and psychotropic drug use.