摘要:Este estudio pretende evaluar si las empresas que fueron privatizadas en Colombia durante los años de 1990 mejoraron sustancialmente su productividad y rentabilidad, como consecuencia de los cambios gerenciales que se debieron dar, o si por el contrario continuaron en niveles similares, contrariando la hipótesis de que los nuevos dueños propiciarían cambios sustanciales en su estrategia, como lo demuestra la experiencia internacional.
其他摘要:The results of this study show that 21 of the largest companies privatized in Colombia over the past 90 years have had a different performance regarding efficiency and productivity compared to the results of studies conducted in other countries. A possible explanation for this phenomenon is the concentration of markets to which Colombian companies are linked in comparison to the characteristics of competition in other countries. From this study one can draw the conclusion that, concurrently with the privatization of companies, the government needs to improve the conditions for competitiveness on the market. The customers of these privatized companies cound otherwise not see the benefits of incentives to improve productivity and efficiency of these companies.