摘要:Staf Pengajar Jurusan IESP, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : perum.Muara Sarana Indah A/03 Jetis-DauTelpon : 0341-464299, Hp : 08123381129, Email : [email protected] of rural women to increase their participation in the field of tourism development varybased on characteristics of the potential for village and community. The opportunities available forrural women to improve their participation in quite diverse areas of tourism development, amongothers, opened the services of accommodation (accommodation) in the form of homestay villagestourist destination, packaging of agricultural products into packages by-by a typical, cultivateornamental plants to be made by- by tourism, agriculture presents the results as typical food products,food kiosks and others.Development of tourism sector in the town of Batu are expected to absorb the labor force sothat it can reduce unemployment. Sectors that can absorb labor is generally located in the industrialsector, handicrafts, restaurants and hospitality services. The type of work is not only dominated bymen but also women. Based on employment data Batu, showed that almost all of their employmentstatus is dominated by men, in other words the male is always more than women, except for unpaidwork status. For unpaid work status male workers for 2425 people, while women as much as 4586people.Keywords: women workers, tourists, tourism