摘要:We know the world through the stories that are told about it. (Denzin and Lincoln 2005: 641)Cousins and Bissar open the first paper of this issue with this resonant quote on the power and potency of narrative. As a point of departure for my first editorial for Research in Learning Technology, this seemed appropriate; a reflection on how – along with my fellow editors, our contributing authors and pool of reviewers – we have worked together to surface these six “stories” of research in this field. The notion of the research account (and indeed education itself) as a form of storytelling may be seen to run through the six apparently very different papers in the issue, as a range of authors from various contexts seek to make sense of complex practices, discourses and educational contexts surrounding technologies. The related theme of what constitutes “content,” and how it is managed, curated, shared and engaged with also seems to be woven throughout this issue.(Published: 8 August 2013)Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2013, 21: 22393 - http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/rlt.v21i0.22393