摘要:In this special conference issue of ALT- J, a number of recurrent themes emerge. These include the integration of information and communication technology systems to assist in the teaching of a given higher-education curriculum. A number of papers address the questions which are on all our lips, such as: How, when and where should we embark on such a teaching exercise and, perhaps more importantly, at what cost? Ryan et al, Zhao et al and Lavelle offer useful insights into the setting up of computer-based resources for the teaching of economics, design and contract law, while Mozzon-McPherson's study demonstrates how Internet resources can enhance the process of language learning. However, an interesting finding from many of the teaching experiments is that in spite of students' enthusiasm for these new teaching technologies, they do not wish to see the traditional lecture totally replaced by computerlearning sessions. Students recognize the advantages of working at their own pace, but still feel more comfortable with the tried and trusted lecture. They do not want to be distanced from their tutors, and the students from the study by Ryan et al suggested that their CBL sessions should in future be supervised by subject specialists.DOI:10.1080/0968776960040101