摘要:I will start with a declaration of interest and prejudice. I have been for some thirty years a 'learning technologist', or what used to be unfashionably called an 'educational technologist'. I have observed and read books, chapters and papers by John Daniel, the author of this work, for about twenty years, since his days in Concordia University, Montreal. Professor Daniel is without peer as a judge of continuing, open and distance education. As Vice-Chancellor of the Open University, he has seen his institution grow to a leading position in the UK open-learning market with hundreds of courses offered under its inimitable course-design system. He has ensured that the Open University is a beacon of what is best in innovative teaching and programme delivery. He has steered an adept course, gaining widespread international approval for the prototypical University of the Air. His views are canvassed by the Great and the Good. One can discern his hand in the recent Dealing (1997) recommendations.DOI:10.1080/0968776980060207