摘要:El suicidio es una conducta producto de la interacción de muchas variables que llevan al ser humano a tratar de terminar con su vida por sus propios medios. Este estudio pretende identificar el factor de riesgo suicida; además de factores asociados en los estudiantes de pregrado de la Universidad de Manizales. Es un estudio de corte transversal, en el cual se seleccionó una muestra probabilística de 355 alumnos de programas de pregrado de la Universidad de Manizales y se aplicaron los cuestionarios de Beck y Plutchik para riesgo suicida, y factores asociados. El estudio mostró un factor de riesgo para suicidio según la escala de Plutchik de 13,5% y según la escala de desesperanza de Beck entre riesgo suicida alto y moderado de un 16,7%. Y como factores asociados se encontraron significativos según la escala de Plutchik el estrato socioeconómico (p= 0,005), presencia de un diagnóstico psiquiátrico (p=0,000), consumo de alcohol (p=0,000) y sustancia psicoactivas (p=0,000), antecedentes familiares de suicidio (p=0,034), funcionalidad familiar (p=0,000), nivel de autoestima (p=0,000), ansiedad (p=0,000) y depresión (p=0,000); por la escala de Beck además de los anteriores factores asociados se encontró la asociación significativa con raza (p=0,003), estado civil (p=0,007), espiritualidad (p=0,000) y el programa de pregrado que se encuentre cursando el estudiante (p=0,000). El factor de riesgo para suicidio según Plutchik, es parecido al encontrado en otras poblaciones análogas. Las escalas de Plutchik y de Beck aunque relacionadas no son equivalentes. Suicide is a conduct as a result of the interaction of many variables that lead a human being to end with his/her life through their own means. This study pretends to identify the suicidal risk factor and associated factors in undergraduate students of the Universidad de Manizales. This is a Cross-sectional study, of a probabilistic sample of 355 student of the undergraduate programs of the Universidad de Manizales. The student population that was studied consisted of three hundred and fifty five students. The Plutchik´s Scale and Beck´s Hopelessness Scale for suicide risk were employed, the associated factors also were measured. This study showed, according to Plutchik´s Scale, a suicide risk factor of 13.5%, and a 16.7% of a high and moderate suicide risk factor according to Beck´s scale. The study also threw out important associated factors on the Plutchik´s scale: socioeconomic stratum (p= 0,005), psychiatric diagnosis (p= 0,000), intake of alcohol (p= 0,000) and psychoactive substances consumption (p=0,000), family members with suicidal background (p=0,034), family functionality (p= 0,000), self-esteem levels (p= 0,000), anxiety (p= 0,000) and depression (p= 0,000). In relation to Beck´s scale, besides the factors that were previously mentioned, the following were found race (p=0,003), marital status (p= 0,007), spirituality (p= 0,000), and the undergraduate program that each student is part of (p= 0,000). Plutchik Risk factor for suicide, is similar to that found in others similar populations. Plutchik and Beck scales are not equivalent but related. Dirección para correspondenciaJosé Jaime Castaño CastrillónFacultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Manizales. Cra 9 # 19-03 , T. 8879689Manizales, Caldas, Colombia.Correo: [email protected]
其他摘要:Suicide is a conduct as a result of the interaction of many variables that lead a human being to end with his/her life through their own means. This study pretends to identify the suicidal risk factor and associated factors in undergraduate students of the Universidad de Manizales. This is a Cross-sectional study, of a probabilistic sample of 355 student of the undergraduate programs of the Universidad de Manizales. The student population that was studied consisted of three hundred and fifty five students. The Plutchik´s Scale and Beck´s Hopelessness Scale for suicide risk were employed, the associated factors also were measured. This study showed, according to Plutchik´s Scale, a suicide risk factor of 13.5%, and a 16.7% of a high and moderate suicide risk factor according to Beck´s scale. The study also threw out important associated factors on the Plutchik´s scale: socioeconomic stratum (p= 0,005), psychiatric diagnosis (p= 0,000), intake of alcohol (p= 0,000) and psychoactive substances consumption (p=0,000), family members with suicidal background (p=0,034), family functionality (p= 0,000), self-esteem levels (p= 0,000), anxiety (p= 0,000) and depression (p= 0,000). In relation to Beck´s scale, besides the factors that were previously mentioned, the following were found race (p=0,003), marital status (p= 0,007), spirituality (p= 0,000), and the undergraduate program that each student is part of (p= 0,000). Plutchik Risk factor for suicide, is similar to that found in others similar populations. Plutchik and Beck scales are not equivalent but related.
关键词:factor de riesgo para suicidio ; estudiantes universitarios ; factores asociados