出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:A bibliometric analysis was performed of the scholarly production of the University of Malaga published during 1998-2007 in journals indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index (as accessed through the Web of Science). This paper examines productivity and chronological distribution, national and international collaboration, scientifi c production by departments, and the journals in which articles were published. The results reveal a slight increase in productivity, as well as a slightly higher level of co-authorship (2.85) than the average for social sciences in Spain, along with a good level of collaboration with national and foreign academic institutions.
关键词:University of Malaga;bibliometric indicators;Social Sciences;scholarly and bibliographic production;Social Sciences Citation Index;Universidad de Málaga;indicadores bibliométricos;Ciencias Sociales;producción científica y bibliográfica;Social Sciences Citation Index