出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The organization of information is necessary, among other reasons, for providing evidence of facts and for conserving the documents; this is apparent in the concept offered by various authors regarding records management and which is summarized, to some extent, in this article. Due to the nonexistence of a system for records and archives management at the Central University «Marta Abreu» of the Villas (UCLV), Cuba, a diagnostic was performed with the objective of implementing an efficient system to regulate the processes and to allow a control of the documentation. Diverse techniques were used, including interviews, surveys and observations, while bearing in mind the DIRKS methodology (Designing and Implementing Recordkeeping System). The importance of carrying out a diagnostic is discussed, with references to similar studies. The article concludes by distinguishing between the strengths and weaknesses of records and archives management in this institution, which will serve as a preamble for the execution of the final objective of the investigation.
关键词:Diagnostic of the record managemet;records management;Central University Marta Abreu of the Villas;UCL;Diagnósticos sobre gestión documental;gestión documental;archivos universitarios;archivos de gestión;Universidad Central «Marta Abreu» de las Villas;UCLV