出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:We present two models connected with the cybergovernment for the Spanish Local Administrations: evolution steps for the electronic government. Content analysis model for webs based upon previous proposals. For the evolution model we propose five steps: a) basic information; b) one directional communication; c) bidirectional communication; d) economical transactions and e) data interchange between local and other Administrations. The analysis model contains more than 200 items for evaluation divided in three packages that we call: information for daily life; open administration and citizen participation. All are included in a matrix which provides values for every one of them at every one of the steps defined by the e-government.
关键词:information for citizens;local administration;internet;e-government;e-administration;WWW;content-analysis;information politics;e-inclusion;Spain;digital divide;European Union;información al ciudadano;administración local;ayuntamientos;internet;cibergobierno;administración electrónica;WWW;análisis de contenido;políticas de información;ciberdemocracia;brecha digital;e-inclusión;España;Unión Europea